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Sunday, January 28, 2018

We Are Overcomers!

Today we were blessed to attend church with our son and his bride at the wonderful little church where they were married.

We have been visiting there frequently over the past few months. It's too bad that we live thirty miles away, or we would be there more often.  After years of serving in the ministry, it is wonderful to be at a place where we feel the presence of the Lord, ministering to us..as well as to everyone around us.  "Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place". 

And what is interesting to us is that this is just a little country church, hardly big enough to hold more than 80 people maximum, with none of the popular attractions that seem to be considered so essential in the church world today...and yet today they had so many children stand up and go to "children's church" the congregation broke out into applause as we sang "Jesus Loves Me"... and when we had communion at the close of the service they ran out of "wine" (grape juice), and someone had to run out to the kitchen to get some more...or perhaps they turned some water into wine...but again...what a blessing! So many there to partake of communion they had to go get some more to serve them all...

It just goes to show that you can't always judge a book by its cover, or a church by its name.
You have to go inside, meet the people, the pastor, and partake of communion together to know whether or not the Spirit of the Lord is truly in a place...

The last couple of Sundays the pastor has been preaching about not giving up on our dreams, our hopes, our calling.  Today's scriptures were from Hebrews 12:1-2, I Corinthians 15:57-58, and I John 5:4-5.  I will quote them here for you, and then perhaps you can write your own sermon to yourself based on these verses...

Hebrews 12:1-2
1.  "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by 
so great a cloud of witnesses, 
let us lay aside every weight, 
and the sin which so easily ensnares us, 
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
2.  Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, 
Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

I Corinthians 15:57-58
57.  "But thanks be to God;
who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
58.  Therefore, my beloved brethren,
be steadfast, immovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord,
knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."

I John 5:4-5
4.  "For whatever is born of God
overcomes the world.
And this is the victory that has overcome the world...
our faith!"
5.  Who is he who overcomes the world, 
but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?"

Perhaps you are feeling defeated, beaten down by the world, frustrated with what seems to be dead ends and no hope in sight...but those thoughts aren't coming from God, my friend.
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, then you are an overcomer through Christ!  Christ has already given us the victory that overcomes the world...Our faith!! If we believe in Jesus Christ, we will overcome this world and all the sorrows of it.
No, that doesn't mean we will never experience disappointments or grief, but it does mean that we don't have to stay locked in with our sorrows. 
"Thanks be to God...Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!"
"Therefore, my beloved brethren,
be steadfast, immovable, 
always abounding in the work of the Lord,
knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."

So now...
what are you going to do?


  1. What a beautiful little church. It is good to go where you feel 'fed' and that doesn't always happen in some of those magnificent buildings that are built to draw a crowd. There are some great ones of those, too.

    I am glad you were there today to witness a little church bursting at the seams! xo Diana

    1. What I love is that they celebrate Jesus from beginning to end. And when the communion juice ran out, they rejoiced because it meant there were so many there! It was a celebration even when they had to go get more! No one was turned away or offended. It was such a joyful experience!!

  2. I love the old country churches like this one! It is very like the church I grew up in (also Methodist). Thanks for the scriptures, Pam!

    1. I'm so glad you appreciated the scriptures. They are definitely speaking to me right now.

  3. The church reminds me of the one my granddaughter attends with a friend of hers for Youth Ministry! it is so pretty.

    1. It is amazing that the children and young people love coming to this little church. They feel loved and welcomed there...and it is a happy and joyful experience for them.

  4. Pretty little church. Its nice to have a place to belong and feel welcome and refreshed!
    I am glad to know you have such a place that makes you happy :)

    1. Thank you, Annie. It has been very refreshing for us...and so wonderful that our "kids" (married) also want to go there. Such a blessing.

  5. I am thrilled to hear of a small country church that has the joy and the spirit of the Lord. I love the steeple.

    1. The worship service is like a celebration of Jesus from start to finish. Very joyful and happy group. I truly wish we could be there more often!

  6. A very pretty country church, a wonderful place to worship.

    1. It is that, and what is even better are the people and the Spirit that is inside. Makes all the difference in the world. Without that pervading Spirit, it would just be a pretty little, but cold and empty, building!

  7. Such a sweet little country church, much like the one I was "brought up" in. This post is a much needed reminder to me because of something I'm going through and struggling deeply with. I KNOW the thoughts aren't from God, but from Satan and things that were planted in my mind so very long ago. Will I ever overcome this? I don't know...well, yes I will when I get to heaven!!!!

    1. Oh my sweet Debbie...Christ wants to give you victory over those struggles today...not when you get to heaven, but now! Through Christ you are an overcomer...He has given you the power and strength to overcome whatever it is that is hurting you. Give them to Jesus...let Him take these thoughts from you and bury them in the deep blue sea...and rise victorious over it. That's what Jesus has done for you...claim it by faith my friend...and rise up!!! The battle is over! Praying for you right now dear one, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  8. I imagined the church in my novels looking so much like this one, Pamela - not ostentatious, but full of God's Spirit and love. And the Scriptures you quoted here were what my heart needed to hear today.

  9. Your post today is very uplifting. Yes, Victory in Jesus! I love the light shining through those pretty windows. I miss the little church I attended growing up.

  10. Pam, I'm so sorry to be so late reading this post, however, its message is one that resonates deep within me. All the bells and whistles really don't entice me to church, it's about Jesus and exalting Him alone! I do long to have a church that is hungry for the Lord and things of the Lord and His Word to be a vital part of--my current church is okay but there's clearly something (someone?) missing. In the meantime, I stay where I am until the Lord clearly leads me elsewhere. By the way, I drive about 30 miles one way nearly every Sunday to church! :)



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