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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

It's the Little Things that Bring a Smile

Oftentimes in the midst of winter we begin to look for the signs of spring...hoping that it won't be a long winter and that soon we will see the flowers blooming again and the trees budding and returning back to their lush green hue...but, alas! It is only the end of January...for those of you living up north, spring is still a ways off.  For us here in Florida...spring could still be a long way off as well...but probably not as long as for you.  Actually, today it was quite warm and sunny...but cooler temperatures will be back for the weekend...so I shouldn't put away my flannels just yet...

   For those of you who read my update on the Secret Garden the other day HERE, you saw that the freezing temperatures had pretty well killed off the lovely ferns of the Secret Garden.  So today I took advantage of the warmer weather to get outside and rake the dead leaves and debris and generally spruce up the area so that the new ferns will have room to grow...(I didn't take any picture of that)...it was hard work, but it felt good to be doing something productive.  After I finished raking I just took some time to walk around and enjoy the day...looking for those "little things that bring a smile."

Here's a few:

This bird bath is in a corner of the Secret Garden, right outside my bedroom window so I can often watch the birds bathing without them being disturbed by my presence.  It's a lovely little spot that brings a smile to my face every time I look out the window. 

Today something new was added to this spot...this delightful little lawn ornament made from vintage glass dishes.  There is a woman at the local flea market who makes these, and they make such nice gifts for friends....I gave a couple of them to dear friends for Christmas this year, and at the same time I purchased this little one, but never gave it away. I kept holding on to it thinking I would need it for a special gift for someone, and today I felt a little nudge from the Lord, Who seemed to be saying..."It's for you...for the Secret Garden...go get it and put it there and enjoy it, My daughter."  I don't know why I should feel guilty when God blesses me that way. Perhaps because it was originally intended to be a gift for someone else...but God wanted to bless me today...and I want to thank Him.
Thank You, Lord, for making me feel special. I am humbled and blessed.

Same thing with this camellia bush...when I bought it before Christmas I thought for sure it was meant to be given away as a gift...but when all the gifts were given, this one plant remained...and it just seemed to belong here...and so it is budding and blooming and making me smile...

Many more buds waiting to open!! 

Back inside the sun porch I couldn't help but notice these violets are blooming profusely!  They need to be repotted into larger pots...which is on my list to to as soon as I can get some potting soil...but in the meantime they just bloom away and bring joy to all...

Now, this might not make everyone smile, but we find it interesting...This pole in our front yard has long been the "scratching pole" for the neighborhood bears...apparently a place to mark their territory...and we noticed these new scratches this morning at the bottom of the pole. There was also a very large pile of bear scat nearby, but no picture for you. I know you are thankful....!

 So I checked our outdoor wildlife camera to see if we've had any recent visitors...and here is one of the 'big boys'...

I'm not sure if the scratching on the pole signifies the beginning of mating season or just what...but it seems to happen every year...so it must have some significance.

Now on a tamer note:

I spent some time just relaxing and reading this afternoon in the memorial garden.  The birds were flying to and fro from the bird feeders to the trees and back...and keeping a wary eye on me.  There were a lot of other birds besides these cardinals, like Tufted Titmouse, Chickadees and wrens and little sparrows or finches of some kind...but they were all too quick to get a picture.  Their singing was glorious, however.  Very enjoyable...made it difficult for me to concentrate on reading...but that's okay.

Psalm 57:7-11

7.  "My heart is steadfast, O God,
my heart is steadfast;
I will sing and give praise.

8.  Awake, my glory!
Awake, lute and harp!
I will awaken the dawn.

9.  I will praise You, O Lord,
among the peoples;
I will sing to You among the nations.

10.  For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens,
and Your truth unto the clouds.

11.  Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
Let Your glory be above all the earth."


Why not sing along with me on this psalm of praise?


  1. Happy Tuesday evening Pamela. Love the bird bath and to see blooming flowers in the dead of Winter is a treat. Even though it reached 50 degrees here in my area of upstate New York with heavy rain and lots of fog because of the remaining snow on the ground, we don't expect Spring to appear for another 3 months yet. Have an evening of blessings my friend.

    1. I am happy you got to enjoy 50 degrees today...but I know that isn't all that warm when the sun isn't shining. Praying you will stay warm and cozy in your home and enjoy the beauty that is around you, even the snow!!

  2. I love seeing your photos and knowing that I have seen them all in person! That scratching post is kind of scary! That is some pretty aggressive scratching and you are probably right about it being part of a mating ritual beginning. Love & hugs!!

    1. I should have shown you the scratching post when you were here. What is interesting is there are claw marks on it over six fee tall...yes...it can be scary...I guess I am glad they scratch that pole and not me! LOL. Thank you for visiting...both here and HERE!! :)

  3. How lovely it must be to have flowers blooming this time of year! I just can't imagine in the dead of winter such greenery and lush plants. It would be wonderful to see the birds at the bird bath and to hear the song birds. We have very few finches this winter and I'm not sure why. Other years they would be at the feeder, the ones that stay behind. My son told me that if they can find food in the winter, they will stay so we always make sure the feeder is filled up. It's a strange winter we're having and perhaps that is why there are fewer around. Anyway, I'm glad we have the chickadees. I have never seen a cardinal. They must be beautiful! I find little things to make me smile too. Like when the finches do show up this time of year, they bring me such joy. I have always found joy in God's creation. Last year, when I was so sick with all my health issues, it was the birds and little things like that that brought me such joy and peace. Our God is amazing! Thank you for your wonderful post and do continue to enjoy those little things that make you smile. Blessings...Sandi

    1. Oh Sandi, I am so delighted to hear from you! Thank you for visiting...I will add your visit to my list of things that make me smile!! Isn't it wonderful how God brings things to us from His creation to bring delight to our souls, especially during difficult times? Our Lord know exactly what we need and when we need it. I am surprised that you have never seen a cardinal! I guess I just assumed they lived up in your part of the world...but perhaps it is too cold for them there. We did have them in Maine and New Hampshire and Michigan, but I believe they didn't stay during the winter. I always kept a bird feeder when we lived up north in the winter. It was wonderful to see the birds come and dine! Thank you for making me appreciate our green surroundings and flowers. I sometimes forget that others will not see green for several more months. God bless you, Sandi...and stay warm and cozy!!!

  4. Pamela, you have a beautiful soul. I love the pics, the flowers, little things, the scripture and the song.

    1. What a sweet and wonderful thing to say, Nonnie! I don't know if anyone has ever said that to me before, and you have blessed me. Thank you, from the bottom of my "beautiful soul". That truly made me smile...but I will say this..."It takes one to know one"...and I know that YOU also have a very beautiful soul. Have a blessed day dear friend.

    2. Awwwwww gee, thanks. And I sincerely meant it. I can tell by your writing, your smile and your love for family, nature and God - not necessarily in that order!

  5. All the things that made you smile, Pamela, made me smile too. Isn't God Awesome, he gives us just what we need exactly when we need it! Have a great day, I'm off with my hubby, he has 2 doctors appointments today,

    1. Oh yes, He does! He always knows how to reach us when we need it most. Have a good day with hubby. Praying the appointments go well, and that God will be with you both.

  6. Thank you for sharing your garden and God's blessings. I love that Psalm and song. Praising the Lord with you this morning.

    1. Thank you, Karen. It is so wonderful to feel the communion of friends praising and worshiping the Lord together...even when we are far apart and at different times of the day...yet our praise goes up to the Lord and mingles there and comes back to us with a blessing for each. Thank you for this today.

  7. I left you this long lengthy (I promise it was) message last night, trying to do it from my phone, and it went nowhere! (insert sad face) I was so disappointed and flustered so I decided to try again this morning from the computer where I do much better. Anyway....if I've never told you, I LOVE your heart for Jesus! This post just shows your humility. I'm so glad you listened to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to accept the gifts you had gotten for others for yourself. You have the perfect spots for them. Your secret garden is a gift to you from the Lord....and to us because we get to share it with you even though we aren't there! And, what a beautiful place He's planted you with all the wildlife (bears, WOW!!)...and those bird fotos are beautiful. I'm so glad we met through the blogging world, Ms. Pam. HOPE you have a Wonderful Wednesday!

    1. Bless you Miss Debbie! You are so precious!! I can't do much on my phone...my fingers are just too big and I get too frustrated. So my computer is my mainstay for communication. Thank you so much for your kind and loving words today. I wish I'd looked at this earlier!! This is such a blessing. I am also so very glad we met here...I hope someday we will meet for real. I'd love to give you a big hug!!! Someday we will...I know in heaven, but it would be such fun here too! God bless you dear friend. You are so sweet. Truly.

  8. I love seeing the flowers getting ready to bloom. One winter, I took a flower arranging class. One of the lessons was using fresh flowers and making an arrangement. I brought mine home and set it on the coffee table. We came back from being gone and Hubby remarked, "It's nice to come home to fresh flowers in the dead of winter." I hope he gets me a few roses for Valentine's Day. I will arrange them and have them on our library table.

    1. I love fresh flowers too. The only lesson I ever had in arranging was in Girl Scouts many years ago. We had to make a flower arrangement for the county fair! I don't believe I won any ribbons, however! LOL. My flowers usually just get stuck in a jar or bowl and that's it...but I do love fresh flowers too. I do hope you get some roses for Valentine's Day. If you do, please take a picture and share them with us!! Have a joyous day dear friend.

  9. Isn't it wonderful when God tells us this gift is one meant for us to keep and treasure? I love the yard decoration and the gorgeous camellia plant, and your other photos are lovely, too, Pamela. Thank you for this inspiration today, my friend!

    1. It IS wonderful...and I still feel a little guilty, but for some reason it just ended up left out of the gifts given out...and now I know why. I am so humbled and thankful...and I pray it blesses others as well. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words always.

  10. As always, a lovely post with beautiful things to read and see :).
    My birdbath is frozen over but I keep the big back pond thawed with a pond heater and the animals appreciate that, as do the fish :).
    Black bears scratch to mark their territory. So, be careful of the males who do that. He has declared your yard his own!

    1. Yes, I believe our yard does belong to the bears...they were here before us. I kind of look at it like they are there to protect us by claiming this as their territory. It just seems to be that way. They have been gentle giants coming and going through our yard since time began. We are careful, be assured of that. But they are likewise careful of us and run for cover if they see us stepping out of the house. Somehow we have this "understanding" between us. I believe God is mixed up in this somehow...what do you think? I believe He's in control...Praise God!

  11. Pam, your post is beautiful--full of life and God's blessings. God certainly does love to bless His children. You've surrounded yourself with so much beauty and joy. You're a blessing to me, sweet friend.



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