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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Lost and Found

https://goo.gl/maps/Yjk7KSs1caF2 (Click on the link for a map to nowhere)
NEVER MIND THE ADDRESS on this link, THAT IS NOT THE POINT HERE... The point is, if you look at this map, everything is named Fisher something or other...and this is out in the middle of nowhere, and these roads just go round and round and round and I got lost on this merry-go-round yesterday when I made a wrong turn on my way home from a pleasant afternoon with friends.

I thought I would never get out of there alive. I finally stopped right in the middle of the road (because there is NO traffic there, NO people, houses are few and far between...it is a failed subdivision that never made it, and I can see why...) and I cried (literally),
"Lord! Help me get out of here alive!"

I could see the buzzards circling overhead, just waiting and watching for their next meal...Finally I believe I heard the Lord say to me,
"Pamela, You have a smart phone...use it!!"

I said,
"Yes, Lord, and Thank you for reminding me...now help me figure out HOW to use it!",
and I pushed a little "GO" button on the map thingy on the phone, and it started telling me how to find my way back to the main road that I had somehow missed (after going in literal circles for what seemed like hours...but was really only a few minutes..but when you are lost, and the sun was starting to fade in the west...it seemed like forever...) and I finally traced my way back to where I was supposed to be and then the map lady in the phone started telling me how far it was to home...and I breathed a huge sigh of relief and just cried and thanked the Lord at every bend in the road that led me back home.

For those of you who have had your smart phones a long time, I'm sure you are thinking how dumb can a person be...but don't say it out loud, okay? Thank you.

Have you ever been lost? Then you know what I mean to feel totally alone, afraid, confused, and almost hopeless...but the point I want to make here is not about how to use a smart phone to find your way back home.

My point is how to find your way home (not just to your house...but to your eternal home) by calling on GOD. You don't need a smart phone to do that...

Without Christ, we all are lost...regardless of how smart we may think we are.  And Jesus is calling to us...actually He is seeking us and beckoning us to come home.  The Bible tells us that when we do finally come home, there is much rejoicing in heaven...(read the parables in Luke 15 about the Lost Sheep (verses 3-7,) or the Lost Coin (verses 8-10), or the Lost Son (verses 11-32)...In every case there is much joy when that which was lost is found...

I am so thankful that my Heavenly Father kept calling for me to come home when I was a lost soul.  I am also so thankful that He gave me instruction and wisdom on how to find my way home literally yesterday...but also from His book of instructions for eternal life...The Bible.  I'm thankful that I knew He would help me when I called upon Him...and He did not fail me.

"Amazing Grace!!! How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was LOST, but now am found, was blind, but now I see!!"


  1. Wow! I never had that experience Pamela! But thank The Lord He got you home! Have a day of blessings my friend.

    1. So thankful for the Lord and HIS guidance. He never fails...even w/o the smart phones!!!

  2. A wonderful analogy and I'm so glad you were led to your smart phone! Happy Sunday and I hope today is full of peace and rest for you!

    1. Yes, I am rested up now and feeling more stabilized...but it will be a while before I venture back into that part of the county again! If so, I will take someone with me along with my phone!!

  3. Oh, yes, Pamela, I've been lost many times on the road when I'm trying to get somewhere I've never been. And I even had a Smart phone with me! Did I remember how to use the app? NO! Luckily, I wasn't in no man's land, so I could actually stop and ask directions. That got me out of that pickle.
    And yes, Jesus gives us all the directions we need to find our way home to Him. The Bible is our greatest roadmap in life. All we have to do is follow!
    Blessings to you!

    1. So thankful for the Lord and His help in every situation. I know He was with me and would have helped me even w/o the phone. So thankful.

  4. Amen!! So true.

    ...and regarding Smartphones, what did we ever do without them?

    Glad you made it home okay!

    1. Well, I used to have maps...but that wouldn't have helped here either. Only the Lord was able to calm my fears and get me headed back in the right direction, with a little help from my phone. so thankful!!

  5. That is the craziest mess of roads I have ever seen with all them named with similar names. No wonder the subdivision failed! lol
    Glad you made it home safe and sound and you are so right---without the Lord we are all lost- xo Diana

    1. Thank you. It was like someone's crazy nightmare for sure!! So thankful for the Lord...and my phone. I believe the Lord could have gotten me out even w/o the phone, but in this case, that was a big help.

  6. I have had a smart phone for years and never used the map. Praise the Lord, I haven't needed to. You aren't dumb, we all have those "First times". God is good and knows right where we are at all times and is ALWAYS ready to help us in our troubles.
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving, Pamela!

    1. It was one of those panicky moments that we have nightmares about...but God was with me and He NEVER fails!! So thankful.

  7. Glad you finally were able to get out of there. It sure does look failed.
    The "lakes" look like sink holes. Whoever had the idea of naming every street Fisher was out to lunch I think :)
    Prayer can do wonders, it sure can.

    1. that's not the worst of it. If you pan out further on that "neighborhood", you will see that every section does the same thing with another name...It's the craziest thing I've ever seen. And it all looks the same, so there was no way to get my bearings...so round and round and round I went. So thankful that The Lord was with me...and so was my phone!! I was about to call 911!!!

  8. Thank you for this wisdom. I have gotten lost and it is a bad feeling, especially at night. I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit. So many times He whispers guidance in my spirit, just when I need it most. Someone said: When trouble comes, think 911. Psalm 91:1 Dwell in the shelter of the Most High. Rest in the shadow of the Almighty.


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