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Monday, October 9, 2017

Family Traditions and Happy Days

Hello Dear Friends...
I feel like I need to write and let you know that all is well...I've just been "recuperating" from a very delightful, but busy weekend (and days of preparation prior to the weekend).  Yes, we had the bridal shower for my sweet daughter in law (to be) on this past Saturday...and I'd say it was a huge success!  I want to give a shout out to my dear friends and family members who came alongside and helped me with food, serving, and party games/favors...and also stayed to help clean up afterward...I am so blessed and thankful for these dear ones, without whom I could not have accomplished this party so pleasantly.  If you are one of my Facebook friends, you have probably already seen these pictures, so just bear with me. I will just give some of the highlights here:

To begin our party we gathered around the tables for a luncheon of chicken salad, broccoli salad, croissants, and other delights such as fresh pineapple, grapes, various crackers and cheeses, etc., capped off with a compote dish of strawberries in jello with a delicious marshmallow/sour cream topping.  My close friends and family members each contributed something for the luncheon, which was a very big help to me.

At this table were "the younger generation"...Rose at the head of the table, and some of her sisters, her niece, and my sister in law,  and nieces...They had a good time getting acquainted and chatting about young women stuff...

At this table was the "more mature generation"...and we enjoyed visiting and chatting about things that we like to do...All was wonderful...

After lunch we moved to the living room, where my sister in law Peggy had set up an array of different games to challenge our brains and make us think.  We all had a good time playing 'the price is right", and guess the number of candy kisses in the jar and other memory challenges.  I was proud that some of us "more mature ladies" did better than some of the younger generation on that game! (I think it was skewed to our generation purposely...maybe)

Then began the gift opening...and I won't post all of the pictures of all of the gifts, but suffice it to say that Rose was blessed with a wonderful array of many useful and beautiful things to set up their household.

 Next we moved back to the dining room for dessert and our tea party.  Each lady had a different tea cup, and there was a variety of teas to choose from.  We had a choice of pumpkin pie, apple crisp or pineapple cream cheese flan cake for dessert. (Again thanks to the help of my dear friends/relatives!)

Pinkies up, ladies!!

Here is our lovely Rose, holding up a rosebud tea cup, and enjoying the beauty of two lovely red roses that bloomed especially for her in my garden!!!

 Here we were enjoying a moment of sharing some family history with Rose. Below is Rose, my sister Doris, yours truly, and my sister's daughter Debbie.

We were sharing with Rose the story of this necklace that she is holding up below...This is an antique diamond and seed-pearl lavalier, which belonged to my maternal grandmother. When my grandmother passed away, my mother inherited this special necklace, and from then on it became a special tradition for each girl getting married in our family, whether being married into the family, or already a family member, to wear this lavalier on her wedding day.  After my mother passed away, my sister inherited the necklace, and so she is the guardian of the tradition to be sure each girl wears it on her special day.  So Rose was excited to know that she will be carrying on this family tradition as she wears this "something old" on her wedding day.

Here is a picture of my mother wearing the lavalier after she received it from her mother's estate:

And this is a picture of my Grandma Tedlie.  I don't think we have one of her wearing the lavalier, but I wanted you to see this dear beautiful lady.

So I've been resting up a bit since Saturday...and enjoying the special moments of reflection on the events of the day...giving thanks to the Lord for each and every one...and especially for the precious woman that is to become my son's wife...and a daughter "in love" to me.  I feel so blessed as I will not be losing a son, but gaining a daughter. When you've raised three sons and buried one of them...and yes, I do have another precious daughter in law who was a faithful and wonderful wife to our son who has passed on...and is also a blessing to us as the mother of our only grandchild...but one can never have too many daughters (in law or by birth), can you?

Now we are getting things ready for the big event, the WEDDING, which will take place in just about one month! So please continue to pray for me as we work through all of the details of family traveling in from out of state, wedding clothing, rehearsal dinner, and myriad of other activities.  All exciting...but sometimes tiring...so prayers are appreciated!!

That's all for now, folks. I am ready for bed!!  Blessings to all of you!!!


  1. Yes, Pamela, I did see these photos (and more) on Facebook, but loved seeing them all over again. I will be keeping you and yours in prayer as you prepare for this momentous event. I'm so glad Rose will be a daughter-in-love for you!

  2. I saw your photos on FB but was happy to see them again here and to read more about the special day! That necklace is just beautiful! What a wonderful tradition for the family to carry on. I just know the wedding will be perfect and beautiful. Keep us posted!!

  3. That was a fun gathering, I can tell by all the smiles, and what a nice tradition of the necklace that Rose will continue.

  4. I enjoyed reading more about the photo's I saw on Facebook and others like the Tea party. Looks like you gave a very lovely and fun shower. The necklace is pretty. After all the excitement you do need a rest.

  5. What a special event and I know you look forward to the big one!

  6. Pam: I am so happy for you. I love the tradition of the lavaliere. I know you will enjoy having a new "daughter" in your family. Peace and Blessings on you and yours.

  7. What wonderful family and shower photos Pamela. Everyone looks so happy and the lavalier is beautiful and what a great tradition to pass it down. I'm happy for you new daughter-in-love to be and for your son. Have a day of blessings my friend.

  8. Pam, Thank you for sharing this lovely post. It looks like everyone had a great time. Your mom and grandma and you are/were beautiful ladies (inside and out)!


  9. What a lovely party. It looks wonderful and the food must have been really delicious.
    I love the story of the lavaliere. That is a wonderful tradition to pass on.
    Very exciting times when a wedding is in the future!

  10. The necklace is beautiful!

    What a blessing family can be.

  11. Having a bridal shower is a lot of work, but many hands make much work light! What a beautiful job you did of putting it all together for your new daughter-in-love! Such a lovely special time you had for her! And how awesome that she will get to wear the lavalier necklace on her wedding day! Such a beautiful and very special family tradition, and your mother and grandmother were beautiful women, just as you and your sister are :) Hugs to you today sweet Pam, take care, don't overdo it with all the preparations, I know it is a busy time for you :)


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