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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A Blog About Nothing? No, That's Not True

It seems as though I should be writing something...but I can't figure out what it is.  That is how my mind has been working (or not working) here lately.  Lots of thoughts go round and round and yet they don't appear to come out here...(Remember the little song, "The music goes round and round, whoa oh oh oh oh oh, and it comes out here"?)  (Tommy Dorsey days...before our time)

Yeah...that should tell you something...my brain is stuck in gear and it keeps going round and round...but nothing happens...So...this may just be a blog about nothing!  Remember the Jerry Seinfeld show...they said it started out as a "show about nothing"...and look what a hit it became!  So maybe there's hope for me yet!

Maybe I just need to get back to my "roots"...

and write about what I know...

This was the Psalm we read this morning in our devotions, and this is what I know best:  

Psalm 145 (portions thereof)

1.  I will extol You, my God, O King;
And I will bless Your name forever and ever.

2.  Every day I will bless You, 
and I will praise Your name forever and ever.

3.  Great is the Lord,
and greatly to be praised;
And His greatness is unsearchable.

4.  One generation shall praise 
Your works to another,

and shall declare Your mighty acts.

5.  I will meditate on the glorious splendor
of Your majesty,
and on Your wondrous works."

Yes, this is where I need to be...back to my roots...God's Word...where it all began... and every day, regardless of what other stuff may seem to be so important out there in blogland...I need to remember that my first order of business is to glorify God through the pages of this blog...to meditate  "on the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wondrous works."  

There are plenty of blogs out there on every topic under the sun...and that's quite all right.  I sometimes dabble in other things too...and like to tell about it...but if I get too far away from my base...God's Word...I begin to falter and lose my focus.  Thankfully:

14.  "The Lord upholds all who fall,
and raises up all who are bowed down.

15.  The eyes of all look expectantly to You,
and You give them their food in due season.
16.  You open Your hand and satisfy the desire
of every living thing."

21.  My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord,
and all flesh shall bless His Holy Name
forever and ever."

You know, we have an awesome privilege here in "blogland"...to be able to declare God's "mighty acts"...and to "speak of the might of God's awesome acts."    I fear that someday someone may try to take this wonderful privilege away from us...and before that happens, I want to do my part to

11.  "They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom,
and talk of Your power...
12.  To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts,
and the glorious majesty of His kingdom."

I hope you agree...this is what it's all about.
It's not  a blog about nothing at all!
It's about the most important thing in the universe!

13.  "Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and Your dominion endures throughout all generations."

Praise God!!!

(Pictures from around my neck of the woods, some from last year's deer families and also some from this year...they are just getting started...so hopefully there will be more to come!)


  1. Beautiful! Hope you had a good Mother's day.

  2. Wonderful photos to illustrate meaningful verses. Loved this!!

    1. Thank you Terri. I'm so thankful that the Lord provides His subjects for His topics!

  3. Your photos are ideal for the Scripture. Sometimes I think I might blog about nothing, ha ha. That would be a short post, though being about nothing worked out well for the Seinfeld show.

    1. Yes it did...but thankfully, God has supplied us with much more substance and subject matter...if we just open our eyes and look around...so much beauty to behold and positive words to speak!

  4. Pam: I understand your thought about things going around in your brain and not coming out. (And I DO remember the Dorsey brothers.) Sometimes, I have the same condition with my thoughts. Your blog has a refreshing flavor for me. And, yes, we all have those times when we venture away from our purpose, just a little bit,but God rings us around brings us. I love your pictures.

    1. Thank you Cecilia. I'm glad you understand. I guess we all go through these periods of not being too sure where we are going with our thoughts/writing, but because I know the majority of us here in our little part of the blogging world seem to be committed to the Lord...God always manages to get His point across one way or the other! It's amazing just how many different ways He uses! It's quite an adventure!

  5. Pamela, so good to hear this today!

    1. Thank you Sandi. I am glad that this spoke to your heart. I stand amazed at how God manages to pull these things out of us when we aren't too sure where we are going....So thankful for His Holy Spirit ministering in the midst...

  6. Beautiful scriptures and beautiful pictures. Your post today was certainly about something! Hope you're having a great day.

    1. Thank you Mary. I guess I just need to settle down and remember that God IS in control...and He will ALWAYS honor His Word.

  7. Love the scriptures and the pictures. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Thank you Cindy! so thankful to God for His provision from His Word and creation!

  8. I hear you loud and clear about getting back to those roots of ours that grow in and because of the Lord, Pam. What better message could we ever give the world than the light of His great love? You accomplished precisely that in this beautiful post. Thank you for sharing God's Word, and your lovely photos that matched perfectly with it.

    1. Thank you Martha Jane! We have this privilege here...and I hope not to squander it! Thinking of you and your hubby and trusting things are going well for you both. Praying still.

  9. A blessing, as always, to read here, Pam. Thank you so much for reminding us all what a privilege we have to share Jesus here in our own spaces in the blogging community. Your photography is amazing!

    1. Thank you Dianna. The photography is a gift from God...He supplies the subject matter and helps me discover it at the right moment...and then HE provides His Word to bring it all together...and I give Him the glory and praise for this wonderful opportunity and gift.

  10. Pam, I can relate to your struggles with thoughts that go round and round but nothing comes out! You're right, getting back to one's roots is key. Writing goes so much better when we write (and reflect upon) what is meaningful to us. Our spiritual roots are so important and need to be cared for, nourished. The photos you include along with the Scriptures are beautiful!



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