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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Why Wait for Dreams to Come True?

Click on this link to a previous story about my "dream cabin"    and then please come back here to finish this story.  No, I don't have the 'dream cabin' yet.  But the dream is still there in my heart, perhaps even more so than before.

And possibly in some ways we are actually getting closer to the reality of what this "dream cabin" was intended to do even without the cabin. It just may be that the cabin isn't really the important instrument necessary to practice the kind of hospitality we long to provide for those in need of some encouragement, fellowship, friendship, or comfort.  Maybe it isn't even the "country porch" that I desire that is required      "to have the kind of place where people love to sit a spell and visit...you know what I mean...a rocking chair and a swing on the porch...just sit back, relax, watch the birds, bears, and lizards...and ENJOY being together...like the good old days."  
Signs created by Ben's Country Woodshop
 I think what I am coming to realize is that it doesn't take a special building, porch, or even the perfect location to create a place where people can feel loved, cherished, nourished, comforted, encouraged, and appreciated.  What it takes is opening our doors and welcoming people in, regardless of what our house looks like, or whether or not we live in the woods, or by a lake, or in the city or in an apartment building. What it takes is to have open hearts and open homes...and the desire to put aside our own problems and inadequacies and be present in the lives of others who may be searching, lonely, or broken-hearted.  To open our doors when someone knocks who may be hungry, thirsty, or a stranger in need of someone to care. (See Matthew 25:35-46)  

To remember what it says in Hebrews 13:1-2 ~ 

"Let brotherly love continue.  Do not forget to entertain strangers,
for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels."

And in Romans 12:10-13: 

"Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;
not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;
rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer,
distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality."

I guess what I am trying to say is "Why Wait for Dreams to Come True" to practice hospitality, encouragement, and brotherly love? Isn't that something we should be doing all the time anyway? After all, why should I expect God to make all my dreams come true when I'm not even doing the things I say I will do once my dreams do come true? I need to live in the present...and practice those things that I know are right and good and acceptable to God now, "which is your reasonable service..."  (Romans 12:1)   I have not been promised tomorrow anyway...so I'd best be proving what is "that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" today.  (Romans 12:2)

No, I haven't given up on the dream to one day have the kind of place I have described before, but I'm not going to wait for my dream to come true to be doing what I know I ought to be doing anyway.  All I ask is that the Lord give me discernment to know when He is sending people my way, and that He will help me to be available in mind, spirit, and heart...and to be present to the need that is presented. Sometimes I'm a bit blind and preoccupied with my own problems and I may miss the blessing of being there for someone else. I don't want to miss God's blessing because I am waiting for everything to be in order and perfect before I will open my heart to help someone else. I don't want to wait for dreams to come true...I want to be a part of the living dream that is already happening if I'd just open my eyes.

How about you? What dreams are you waiting on to come true? Could it be that the dream is already a reality, but perhaps not exactly the way you thought it should be?  Ask God to open your eyes to see what He wants you to see right now. You may be surprised to see that your dreams are not that far from reality too! 

Have a blessed night my friend, and "sweet dreams."


  1. So when should I come for my vacation? I'll contact SUsie. SOup's on? hahahah! Love you and your great big gracious heart!

    1. My dear Dawn, if you and Susie want to come, come RIGHT NOW! I do have a guest bedroom, and although it is small, it is cozy and warm. And we have all of the big outdoors at our doorstep. Oh what fun we would have! Yes, there can be any kind of soup your little old pea-picking heart desires! So come on down!!!! "Y'all Come!" is what I should have said, being a proper southern girl. :) Oh what fun we would have! :)

  2. Hi Pamela! Your post today just struck such a chord in my heart. I dream of a little house on a beach. I can just see the sheer drapes billowing in the wind off the water...a place to be quiet, write, watch the sun go down.

    But is that necessary? No, not at all. I can write anywhere, I can find quiet if I look for it. The sun goes down everywhere, including my backyard. I LOVE what you have learned in your waiting time. I am coming to that realization too. I'll always see that house in my mind, but I'll remember to love what God has given me.

    You sound like such a wonderful hostess. Sounds like Dawn is ready to come on down!

    1. I would love nothing more than to have all my wonderful blogging writing friends come together for a retreat...to share our hearts, desires, dreams, and souls. What a story we could all write together! I've been told by a famous movie, "If you build it, they will come..."...(Field of Dreams), but I'm thinking I don't have to build the cabin...maybe just plan the retreat anyway at a local conference/campground and see if they/you will come. I'm thinking about this...and praying...maybe sometime in the near future. Who knows how God might bless such a venture???? Wouldn't that be marvelous?

  3. My dream is to have a patio in our backyard. I priced the slabs last summer. I got side tracked but about
    midway through the summmer, we bought a yard bench. We used it. I still would like to have a patio but the bench is nice. PS It was a total surprise when hubby said," Would you like to have a yard bench?" It helped that they were on sale.

    1. Don't you just love spontaneous surprises, especially from hubbies? When we think they aren't really noticing or caring about what we are longing to do, or even perhaps they don't see eye to eye with our "dreams"...they pop up with a sweet gift that shows they really do care...and it turns out to be something really sweet and special after all. I love it when that happens. Thank you for sharing that with us. Perhaps someday you will get the patio to go with the bench, but in the meantime, enjoy that bench! It might even be a nicer gift because it is portable and can be placed anywhere you like it...in the shade, on the grass, someplace cooler than a hot patio! I'd love a bench like that myself! Sounds wonderful!

  4. VERY good thought provoking post, Pam. I think far too often we get so caught up in our "dream" that we miss what is going on around us...we fail to fulfill the purpose for which He created us..bringing glory to Him by allowing His joy show through in us. Hospitality is such a needed in this world we now live in.

    1. I wish you could stop by and visit in person, and we'd share a cuppa tea and encourage one another in the Lord. That's what I long to do most. But for now, this is the forum. I am thankful for it. And yes, hospitality is becoming a dying gift...we need to stir it back up before it totally slips away.

  5. Sister-what an encouragement your blogs are. I have just discovered it this night! This one particularly because this has been my own mantra of late. I am single and out of fear of all sorts, both internal and external, I have not followed my dreams. God is using many things and people (like you) to confirm that He is indeed my rear guard and He goes before me. I am excited to read more. Enjoy your time with your family, we are not promised tomorrow.


Thank you for visiting here today. I would love for you to sign my guestbook and let me know you stopped by. I always enjoy reading your comments and words of encouragement! May you be blessed as you go on your way. Please come back and visit again soon.