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Sunday, February 3, 2013

While the Super Bowl is on....Something to Give Peace

I know no one will read this blog. I am writing it while the Super Bowl is playing. Everyone is watching the Super Bowl -- or at least the commercials. I just saw a couple of crazy ones.  The GoDaddy commercial was pretty gross. The Doritos ad was funny, if you like goats. Don't worry, I'm not going to comment on all of them. I'm really not into watching all this stuff.  The Coke ad wasn't too bad...better than the Pepsi ad. Ok, I'll stop. Oh, I loved the Doritos "fashionista dad" commercial...

Meanwhile, I just saw something on facebook that I really really liked.  Thought I would share it with you here:

It says, in case you can't read all of it:

"Pause, friend, and read before you enter here.

This vine-clad wall encloses holy ground.
Herein a mellowed garden dreams away the years,
Steeped in serene sweet light and muted sound.
Herein tranquility and peace abide,
For God walks here at cool of evening-tide.
Pause, friend, and strip from out your heart
All vanity, all bitterness, all hate;
Quench, for this hour, the fever of your fears,
Then, treading softly, pass within this gate,
There, where the ancient trees wait, hushed and dim,
May you find God, and walk awhile with Him."

Pearl Hiatt, Brookgreen Gardens, SC

What is it about this that has caught my eye? What touched my heart so?
This is just the kind of garden I would love to have right here in my yard. 
I love the line that says, 
"Herein tranquility and peace abide, For God walks here at cool of      even-tide."
Ahhh, to have God walk here at even-tide...yes, dear friend, come, "quench, for this hour, the fever of your fears..."

This is exactly what I've been trying to say in so many ways...I want our home and surrounding grounds, woods, forest...all to be just this kind of place...a place where 

"tranquility and peace abide..." "There, where the ancient trees wait, hushed and dim, May you find God, and walk awhile with Him."

"Pause, friend, and strip from out your heart

All vanity, all bitterness, all hate;"

Yes, I know I've been on this subject for awhile now.  Perhaps because I need it so much...and I have a feeling that YOU do too. This world tends to grate on our nerves, creating so much tension and stress.  We need this peaceful garden to rest awhile from the cares of this life.  We need to steal away from the noise and rush of the life outside the garden gate, and enter into the cool shade of His rest.

This reminds me of a precious old hymn...I'm sure you will recognize it. Sing along with me:

"I come to the garden alone,
While the dew is still on the roses;
And the voice I hear,
Falling on my ear, 
The Son of God discloses.

And He walks with me,
and He talks with me,
and He tells me I am His own,
And the Joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.

"He speaks, and the sound of His voice
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing;
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing.


I'd stay in the garden with Him
Tho' the night around me be falling;
But He bids me go,
thro' the voice of woe,
His voice to me is calling.

And He walks with me,
and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own,
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known."

"In the Garden" by C. Austin Miles, 1868-1946

I hope this has been a refreshing pause in the midst of the chaos and turmoil of your day...I know it has calmed my spirit and quieted my heart. I am at peace.

(Regardless of who wins the Superbowl)

Thank you for joining me in the garden tonight ~ at "even-tide". Won't you come again?
I felt God's PRESENCE here, how about you?

Other recent posts you might enjoy during your walk through the garden tonight:


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Susie. I'm happy you were able to walk "In the Garden" with me tonight! Sure better than football, huh?

  2. This is beautiful, Pam. I wasn't online last night, but I wish I had been. Reading this and taking a walk in the garden, if only figuratively, would have been much better for me than the halftime show. I know -- don't even go there, right?

    The only commercial I truly enjoyed (and made me cry) was the Budweiser Clydesdale one, with the baby horse. Sappy, yes, but much better than some of the other ones.

    Thank you, Pam, for injecting some much needed peace & joy into the cyber/blog world.

    Grace & peace,

    1. Ah, Pam, I wish you could've walked with us in the cool shade of the garden last evening...actually, I wish I could've physically done the same instead of being in the house while that 1/2 time was on as well.
      Yes, we all need to take a much needed peace and joy break each day...whether it be by perusing other calming stories from our friends' blogs, or actually taking a walk in the woods or anywhere outside of the office/house/school/place of work...Just some time to commune with the Lord for even a few minutes would be a welcome respite.
      I may just start doing that each day at lunch. Come go with me!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Pam, this is beautiful. I have a smaller stone in my own tiny garden that reads: "Where gardens grow God walks." Not as poetic as what you've shared, but I love it by my little plot. I've grown to love you in the comments you make on Mary's blog. (((Hugs)))

    1. Thank you, Peg. I love what your garden stone says also. I don't have any yet in my garden area, but I would love to find just the right one.
      Speaking of Mary, I haven't seen her write anything in a while. I know she is going through a lot since the loss of her Mother. Do you know Mary personally? If so, Please tell her I am thinking of her and still praying. I know what it is like to lose a Mother AND a father, and it does hurt for so long. Thank you for your kind and sweet words. You are a blessing.


Thank you for visiting here today. I would love for you to sign my guestbook and let me know you stopped by. I always enjoy reading your comments and words of encouragement! May you be blessed as you go on your way. Please come back and visit again soon.