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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I've Been Away...

I've been away for a few days...and I forget that my blogging friends may not all know that.  I tend to be an "open book" on my facebook page, but if you aren't there with me, you may be thinking I've dropped off the face of the earth!

Well, not entirely...just flew up the country a little ways from Florida to Maine.  With the difference in temperatures and weather and scenery, it may well have been on another planet!
 I left this:

for this:  

and this:
But the real reason we made such a wild trip was for something so much more important than beautiful scenery.

Family.  Son. Daughter in law. Grandson. Son having a birthday...#4-0!  Son also has cancer. But GOD is able!!! We will not despair. 

Life is precious. Life is also short. No one on this earth is guaranteed any number of days. So we need to celebrate the life we have, while we have the time. We need to thank the Lord for each and every day. And praise Him for every victory...no matter how big or small.

"Now consider this, you who forget God, Lest I tear you in pieces, and
there be none to deliver:

Whoever offers praise glorifies Me;

and to him who orders his conduct aright

I will show the salvation of God."  Psalm 50:22-23

"Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation!"
Psalm 95:1

"Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth;
Break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises....
Shout joyfully before the Lord, the King!"
Psalm 98:4 and 6b

Like I said above, "life is precious. life is also short." So, why not celebrate?  Take time to notice the beauty and majesty of God's handiwork in His creation wherever you are...regardless of life's circumstances.
Try it. You might like it.


  1. Beautiful pictures, beautiful thoughts, beautiful you!

    1. Awww, gee, thanks, Dawn. You always make me feel so happy!

  2. Wow, the photos are amazing! Glad you had the chance to enjoy the family!

    1. Yes, the REAL pictures are those of my precious family, enjoying our time together...but I couldn't ignore God's majesty in the gorgeous wintry scenery all around us! So much beauty in one place...God is so awesome!

  3. Love all the photo's of the snow and verbena. It was good that you could spend time with your son on his 40th birthday, I am sure it meant a lot to him. God is Good, ALL the time!

    1. Amen! Yes He is good, all the time good!!! Thank you for stopping by today! You are always a bright spot in my day!


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