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Friday, June 8, 2012

Random Journal Day #11-Remants from the Past Revisited

Here it is again..."Random Journal Day"...and I just stumbled upon a journal entry written on March 23, 1991, that links to one of my earlier blog posts: "Remnants of the Past".   Back in 1991 I was bold enough to actually submit an article to "Country Living" Magazine...which was in essence the same story I have written in the above blog post.  Here is what I said about this back in 1991:

Saturday, March 23, 1991, 10:26 p.m.:

"Kind of late already!  Just wanted to record some milestones from today...
  1. I mailed a story to "Country Living" magazine today ~ "The Old Whelchel Estate", submitted to the "Reader's Corner".  I pray they will accept the story for print in the magazine.  But even if they don't, I enjoyed writing it~it was a step of faith for me to actually send it~kind of like a fleece to see if the Lord will encourage me to write.  Although this wasn't much of an inspirational writing...but it was something from my heart~a starting place to help me get going in all the writing I long to do.
  2. Today we submitted our resume's to _____college.  We mailed them to ____(the President of the College).  This again was a BIG STEP OF FAITH.  We've been rejected so many times before.  And really things are going pretty well here now~God is blessing our church and ministry so much, so we aren't trying to escape a bad situation.  We have good jobs.  I have a job where I can do all the things I love to do.  My husband has some positions in the district (denominational), and we recently got a wonderful pay-raise, etc.  So no, it's not an escape~but it's the long standing desire to go back to ____ and teach that keeps driving us onward.  It's been the reason behind all of the further education over the years.  We believe now is the time~if ever there will be a time.  Next fall we will have two sons attending college full time there."
I went on to say:

"And Lord, we commit our future into your hands.  We don't want to ever step out of your will~for anything~no matter how long we've desired it.  So, please Lord, hear our prayer...and know our hearts.  We want to do what is pleasing and acceptable in Your sight."
 A couple of weeks later I wrote again in my journal:

"I received a letter back from "Country Living" magazine today. They couldn't use my story.  I guess I figured that.  I believe God wants me to use my talent solely for His honor and glory~and not my own.  So, in His time~I hope to do just that."

And no, we did not get the position we hoped for at the college. For some reason known only to God, that dream was never fulfilled.  We knocked on that door so many times that I am certain there are knuckle dents on the door...but God never allowed the "Closed Door" to be opened to us.  God had other plans for our lives...other places and people (and "Open Windows") that He needed us to minister to. This is probably one of those questions I would like to ask God about someday when I get to heaven...but it won't be necessary...because on that day I will understand with the mind of Christ.  He will show me the "bigger picture" that I can't see now, and it will all make sense at that time.  Until then, I will keep trusting and following my Savior in whatever way He leads.  He has never led us astray...He just hasn't taken us exactly where we hoped to go.  But that's His business, not mine.

And the writing...well this is it. May God be honored and glorified today. Amen.


  1. Oh and what a blessing you are right now to us...to me. To many where you are currently planted, in the blog world, church, friends, family and all others around you. I love the "milestones" idea. Kind of fits in well with Susie's Snapshots theme, too. I find it hard at times to know for sure God's will when we step out. So often He sees what we do not see. Then in hindsight (sometimes) clarity. Or not. Except one thing- I know He will guide us along the way and even if we get off track, those things, works, deeds etc. which are for us to accomplish- of eternal value- He will allow to pass as we continue to learn to walk by faith. Your sharing has helped me to clarify my thoughts. Thanks, Pam.

    1. Dear Dawn, "Have I told you lately that I love you?" to quote one of my favorite Rod Stewart songs! Seriously, you are such a refreshing, positive, encouraging, Barnabus kind of friend...I thank the Lord for putting you HERE!! You help to rekindle and refuel the flame in me to keep forging ahead and not give in to the negative thoughts of "what's the use?" Thank you for being that "breath of fresh air"...not just "Beneath the Surface", but out here where we need it most! God bless you dear sister in Christ.

  2. Pamela, I love this so much because it beautifully illustrates your blog's message about closed doors and open windows and I agree with Dawn that we are all benefiting from your words here in the blog-sphere!
    btw, I submitted something to Country Living also, rejected, oh well.

    1. That is so amazing...about the Country Living article...I still sometimes think we are living in a "parallel universe" or something (LOL-Twilight Zone). We've had so many similar activities in life...Thank you for your words of affirmation. That means more to me than you know...and I say likewise to you about your words. I do thank the Lord that He saw fit to bring us all to this place in time...and that He is using these life's experiences that we have garnered throughout the years to encourage others and to bring honor and glory to His Name, just as we hoped for in the past! The "closed doors" from the world (Country Living) have led to "open windows" here that may reach a much broader audience than Country Living ever could hope for! In His Time...(I've said that a lot lately).


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