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Sunday, June 26, 2011

I'm a Little Teapot

My New Red Teapot!

I have a confession to make...I NEED a whistling tea-kettle!  Why do I NEED a whistling tea-kettle?  Because I have tendency to occasionally fill my teakettle full of water, put it on the stove, turn the stove on to high, and go off and forget that I did that!  Now, I know none of the rest of you are guilty of ever doing anything that stupid...and I'm certain that none of you have ever gone so far as to let a teakettle boil dry...so I'm sure that none of you can relate to my problem!  My comment to you today is...Just wait!  Sooner or later, if you ever even use a teakettle without a whistle, you will understand why some of us NEED a whistling teakettle!

Therefore, even though the truth is that I did not let my former teakettle boil dry...the whistler broke off some time ago...and I've noticed the past few times that I've put the teakettle on to boil that I have only discovered it boiling just in the nick of time...before it totally boiled dry...and there wasn't enough water left in the kettle to even make one cup of tea!  So, before tragedy strikes...I decided to do something about it...and I went out and bought myself a new teakettle...a whistling teakettle, that is also BRIGHT RED...so that I will not only hear it whistling, I will also notice it sitting brightly on my stove, all red and shiny and new, and I will pay more attention to it before something bad happens to it!

I know some of you probably have no clue what I am talking about, but I thought I would share my confession with you today...and perhaps there may be someone who may smile and say, "Oh yes, I perfectly understand!"

http://kids.niehs.nih.gov/lyrics/teapot.htm    click on this link and enjoy a little song that some of you may have learned way back in kindergarten.  Now, go put on your teakettle full of water, and listen to it shout and sing!! (and hopefully whistle!)



  1. Oh yes! I perfectly understand!!! I left Mom's un-whistling teapot boil "almost" dry numerous times! I'm glad MY teapot at home does have a whistle! Sometimes, I wish it whistled a little louder!!haha
    Ok---now you've read my confession too---after all, we ARE sisters!!

  2. Yes, I KNEW YOU would relate to this one, since we have discussed this over tea at Mom and Dad's house! We come by it honestly...I know Mom let a few teakettles boil dry in her lifetime too... Love ya! Come help me break in my new teakettle!


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