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Monday, March 15, 2010

I Thessalonians 5:24  "He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it."
Psalm 138: 8  "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands."

Have you ever been chosen for or asked to do a job that you felt unworthy of, or perhaps overwhelmed with the miracle of how it all came to be in the first place?  That's kind of where I am today.  As most of you are aware, I was job-hunting for over eight months.  During that time I had many, many interviews, and quite a few second interviews, which all ended up with the same result...I was not selected.  Then, last week, out of the blue I received a phone call from one of those places where I had previously interviewed.  A new position had become available, one that was much better than the original position for which I had been interviewed, and they wanted to know if I was still available and would I be interested in applying!  Many of you have already heard this story, but I wonder if you realized what a magnificent miracle this was! 

I started this new job on Friday, and each day I am discovering more and more about just how amazing this whole story is.  There were other people available who could have done this job, and possibly even better qualified than I.  But for some reason, God reached down and whispered into their ears, "choose Pam."  I don't know why, except for the fact that I was getting pretty desperate and in dire straights financially. But lots of people are probably worse off than me.  I only know that I am there, and for whatever reason, God has placed me there.  His reasons may be way beyond anything that I can think of or even understand at this moment.  Only time will tell...and maybe only eternity itself will reveal the whole story. 

I have a lot to learn about this job...and I am a bit overwhelmed...but I stand amazed at the beauty of what God is doing...amazed and humbled, and oh! so thankful! 

Have you ever felt this way?  Have you ever wondered just what God was up to in your life?  I cling to the verses that are quoted above..."He Who calls you is faithful, Who also will do it"...which means that as surely as God has placed me in that position, He will be faithful to do the work through me that He has already planned.   

And then in Psalm 138:8...I love this one, because the psalmist believes fully that God will perfect or complete that which concerns him, but notice the humanity of this man (King David), when he almost pleads to God, "Do not forsake the works of Your hands."  In other words, even though he knows God will do what he has set out to do, he is almost afraid that He might give up on him, so he asks Him to please not forsake the work of His hands.

Yeah, I know that feeling.  Now that God has brought me this far, I don't want Him to forget about me and leave me to do this thing alone.  I know He will be faithful to complete what He has started...I just hope I can do my part.  Thank you for your prayers, friends!!! Please don't stop now!


  1. Yes, I have felt that way and you already know my story. I am comforted by God's timing in your case. It just reminds me who is in control and already has a plan for our lives. Remember they called you to work just a few days AFTER the writer's conference!! And now you have an income to see you through until you are published!

  2. Congratulations on your new job, Pam. I'll tell Mom about it when she gets home. I know she'll be excited for you too!

  3. Thank you, Rhonda...yes, God's timing is absolutely perfect...I'm so glad He knows what He's doing...even when I am not so sure of myself! :)
    And to anonymous above, I'm assuming you are speaking of my dear friend Diane. I can't wait to talk to her when she gets home! Thanks Crista!


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